Tuesday, April 23, 2013

MC Doctor Who #1 Rose

*curtains open*
*alarm clock beeps*
Rose:*wakes up*
*20 hours later*
Rose:*freaks out at Autons*
Doctor: Nope.
Next night...
Doctor:Well, thank goodness For the TARDIS. rose, You come w/ me.
To be continued...

Minecraft Doctor Who Auditions!

First Doctor-SkyDoesMinecraft
Second Doctor-DeadloxMC
Third Doctor-MincraftUniverse
fourth doctor-HuskyMUDKIPS
fifth Doctor-ChimneySwift11
6th Doctor-Tarvi
seventh Doctor-Sethbling
eighth Doctor-CaptainSparkelz
ninth Doctor-iancolhoun1
tenth Doctor-Dyerzy
11th Doctor-Herobrine
12th Doctor-CartoonSage (me)
13th Doctor-DenniDavidson
14th Doctor-joepassgaming
15th Doctor-scaret137
16th Doctor-Hicoga
17th Doctor-gopackers427
18th Doctor-Antvenom
19th Doctor-chokosocks
20th Doctor-Cavemanfilms
21st Doctor-janthemanO
22nd Doctor-creeperzone360